Andy Crouch
Executive Editor of Christianity Today and author of Culture Making and Playing God.

N.D. Wilson
Author of Notes From A Tilt-a-Whirl, Death by Living, and the 100 Cupboards trilogy.

Andrew Peterson
Singer, songwriter, author, and founder of The Rabbit Room.
What was covered at this symposium?
We serve a creative God… One who spoke the entire world into existence.
And this world that He created isn’t boring, or gray, or dull… but a world filled with color and dimension, full of sights, and sounds, and wonders.
As Christians, we’re called to faithfully bear the image of God in this world, and one of the ways we do that is to pursue the flourishing of the communities and cultures around us.
We accomplish this by wielding the material world for the good of other people. We make. We develop. We create. All according to the wisdom and character of God.
In doing these things, we become the means by which God is unfolding the greatest story of all… a story that takes us from the Garden of Eden to the New Heaven and the New Earth.
Within this story—and this world—we are created to create.